Device Information Kits
School based ICT help desk
The ICT Department will provide technical support to students. This is part of our efforts to ensure that there is minimum disruption to students’ learning.
There will be a fortnightly collection of faulty devices that will be sent via courier to the authorised service centre for repairs. The devices sent through the school may take between 4-8 weeks for repairs, depending on the extent of the damage and availability of parts.

Device info Kit for Lenovo 500e
Should there be a need to send the device for immediate repairs, or queries about the device, insurance and warranty, you may contact the device contractor directly.

Device info Kit for Acer Chromebooks
Year |
Model |
Sec 1 (2022) |
R752TN |
Sec 1 (2023) |
R753TN |
Sec 1 (2024) |
R756TN |
Sec 1 (2025) |
R857TN |
Should there be a need to send the device for immediate repairs, or queries about the device, insurance and warranty, you may contact the device contractor from Acer Singapore Pte Ltd directly.

Standard Operating Procedure
Reporting of Device Issues (hardware issues and damages)
If students encounter issues with their devices in school, they may approach their school-based ICT support staff for assistance. They will perform basic troubleshooting and assist to log a case with contractor if needed.
Should the device need to be fixed by the contractor, Parents/students can use the fortnightly collection service provided by the contractors to schools to send in their devices. Please note that only personal learning devices procured under PDLP device bulk tender are eligible for the fortnightly collection services provided by contractors.
The school ICT support team will liaise and confirm the fortnightly collection date and time with the contractor. Contractor will pick up the devices from school on the arranged date and time.
The devices (depending on the parts availability) will be fixed and returned to school the next fortnightly collection serviceday. If there are follow up actions required, contractor will contact parents/students directly (e.g. the damage is not covered under warranty and need consent to claim insurance to get the repairs done).
School-based service desk personnel will inform the students when they can collect back their devices.
Parents/students can also bring the device to the Contractor's Service Centre. Parents/students are advised to contact Contractor’s helpdesk (T: 800 852 8100). Parents/students will need the following information such as their device serial number, brand and model of the device, their name and contact number to log a case with the helpdesk.
Contractor’s helpdesk agent will advise parents/students on any further actions required (e.g. bringing their devices to the service centre for diagnosis or assessment of damage).
Students can loan a device from the school common pool for daily lessons during the period of repair
Reporting of Lost Devices
Students are to inform their Form Teacher immediately if the device is lost. School’s DMA Administrator will remote lock the device.
Should the device is still not found, Parents are to make a police report for the lost device.
If the lost device is covered under the circumstances listed in the device’s insurance coverage, parents should contact and inform the device contractor via their helpdesk or service centre. They will need to furnish the contractor with the police report for insurance claim. (Applicable only if the device is still under insurance coverage period).
The contractor’s helpdesk/service centre will advise parents on the insurance claim procedure.
If the device is without insurance coverage or the loss is due to clause(s) not covered under insurance, parents can seek school’s assistance to procure a replacement device.
Students can loan a device from the school common pool for daily lessons.
Replacement/Change of Device
Students are to inform their school-based service desk whenever there is a replacement/change of device.
Replacement/change of devices can be under any of the circumstances listed below:
* Replacement of device covered under insurance by contractor
* Replacement of device by parents for device not covered under insurance or insurance period has ended
* Students who are using their own devices which were not procured from PDLP Device Bulk Tender changing to another device.
This is to facilitate the installation of the DMA into the new device.
School DMA administrator will enrol the new device to their school’s DMA